During our past couple of trips to the movie theater my younger brother and I have seen the trailer for World Trade Center starring Nicolas Cage. I bowed my head during both times the trailer was played. I have no desire to see this film, to see the trailer or anything like it.
In just over a month's time five years will have elapsed since September 11th, 2001. I just don't think enough time has passed to begin doing movies in the theater. Maybe this is just me. But it's hard to look at movie images when I still have the real images ingrained in my brain.
I'm not trying to take anything away from the story that is being told in the movie, but why are we going through this again? The pain, the feelings of loss, anger, and shock?
Maybe I'm just angry. Well a little. I had class that morning. Christian Thought. We started class and then someone came in and turned on the TV. By that time the first plane had already crashed. Then came the second plane. We went on with class. We f***ing went on with class. We were let out a bit early, but then in Philosophy it happened again. We didn't even MENTION what happened. I never did agree with how the college chose to handle this situation. We shouldn't have had class.
So to conclude I'm not going to see the movie (reality was bad enough). Is the rest of America?